Luca Grillotti

Hello! I’m Luca Grillotti, a PhD student at the Adaptive and Intelligent Robotics Lab (AIRL) of Imperial College London under the supervision of Dr Antoine Cully.
My research focuses on how to use Quality-Diversity and Reinforcement Learning algorithms to learn collections of diverse robot skills in an unsupervised manner without simulation models. This poster summarises the research conducted during my first months of PhD.
Additionally, I actively contribute to several open-source Quality-Diversity projects, such as QDax and Kheperax. Beyond coding, I co-organize the Imperial College Autonomous Learning and Reasoning (ICARL) monthly seminar series, where researchers in the field are invited to present their work on campus.
As a Teaching Scholar for the Department of Computing, I’ve made substantial contributions to education at Imperial College London. For example, I gave several PyTorch lectures, designed the corresponding lecture notes, and taught half of a Computational Techniques module. I hold a Postgraduate Certificate in University Learning and Teaching (PGCert ULT), with specialized training in approaches to teaching and digital learning.